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Programme 2024

All talks are normally in the Visitors’ Centre in the Botanic Garden at 7.30pm. The Garden is open through-out the year and there are guided walks for Friends with Peter Thomson (Garden Manager) or his gardening team on the last Wednesday of each month, March to October inclusive, starting at 10am. After the walk coffee/tea and cake are provided and friends are asked to donate £1.00 towards the funds.

January 17th Talk by Charlotte Roberts – Can the dead tell us anything: some stories from our ancestors' bones.
February 21st Talk by Laura McIntyre Brown and Eric Wilton – Durham City Green Corridor.
March 20th Talk by Steve Willis - The Durham University Biodiversity Strategy.
March 31st/April 1st Easter Chick Hunt (NB - Helpers much appreciated).
April 10th Himalayan Balsam Pulling in the Garden (All pullers will be welcome).
April 17th Talk by Tim Marshall (Head Gardener – Raby Castle) – The Gardens of Raby Castle.
May 8th Himalayan Balsam Pulling in the Garden (All pullers will be welcome).
May 15th Bluebell Walk with the Garden Team.
May 15th Talk by Claire Gibbons/Andy Nesbitt ( Head Gardener) – The Auckland Project.
June 12th Himalayan Balsam Pulling in the Garden (All pullers will be welcome).
June 16th Botanic Garden Fun Day incorporating Friends’ Plant Sale (NB - Helpers much appreciated).
June 19th Day Trip to the RHS Bridgewater Garden.
August 18th Day Trip to Lowther Gardens and Keswick.
September 1st
Orchid Show at Josephine Butler College.
September 18th Talk by Jeremy Hutchinson – Kiplin Hall and Garden.
October 16th Talk by Mike Hirst – After the Eruption – Expedition to St Vincent.
October 30th Friends Tulip Planting Event (Friends can come along on other dates - please contact Peter Thomson).
November 27th Review of the Year (“AGM”) .
(Date to be arranged)
Christmas Lunch.